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Psychosocial facilitation

Suddenly a victim? We will not leave you alone!

Court hearing

Without exception, anyone can become a victim of a crime. Completely irrespective of age, gender, income or education. Becoming a victim has nothing, but absolutely nothing to do with weakness. But one thing is certain: for many people, becoming a victim of crime is an extremely disturbing experience. Becoming a victim - no one is prepared for that and it is not easy for many people to deal with this situation.

In addition to coping with the crime itself, the upcoming investigation and the subsequent court proceedings can increase the uncertainty. What happens after the crime? What are my rights as a victim? What should I be prepared for now?

Trained facilitators are available to help you with these and many other questions upon request. They support and accompany those affected in order to keep the additional burdens for victims as low as possible: during the entire investigation and criminal proceedings and, if necessary, beyond.

The tasks and support services offered by psychosocial facilitators are diverse - and are tailored to your needs:
Facilitators ...

  • ... respond individually to your needs
  • ... inform about the course of the investigation and criminal proceedings
  • ... inform you about your rights as a victim
  • ... support you if you are afraid of meeting the perpetrator in court
  • ... accompany you personally to examinations and when you testify as a witness in court
  • ... arrange (further) help and contact to victim protection organisations if needed
  • ...explain to you whether and what financial support you can take advantage of
  • ... are at your side with help and advice on all questions concerning the consequences of the crime and the criminal proceedings.

The facilitator is your contact person for all questions about the course of the criminal proceedings and can explain to you which participants in the proceedings have which tasks. Your facilitator can accompany you to examinations at the police station or the public prosecutor's office. They can, for example, show you around the courthouse or the courtroom before the trial and provide you with further assistance.

The facilitators may stay by your side during the entire trial. This way you can bridge waiting times together and discuss your questions about the procedure and formalities of the trial right away.

After the main trial, you can talk to your facilitator about your impressions and questions about the outcome of the trial. For the time after the trial, the facilitator can also refer you to further help, such as therapies, psychological counselling or other support services.

Every victim of a crime has the right to psychosocial facilitation during the trial (section 406g, paragraph 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure). And that does not only pertain to the main hearing in court, but already in the preliminary proceedings.

In certain cases, there is even an entitlement to the free appointment of a psychosocial facilitator. This is particularly the case for ...

  • underage victims of serious sexual offences or acts of violence
  • victims of serious sexual offences or acts of violence if they cannot adequately protect their interests themselves or they are particularly in need of protection
  • Bereaved who have lost a relative as a result of a criminal offence

Details are regulated in Section 406g, paragraph 3, sentences 1 and 2 in conjunction with Section 397a, paragraph 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Anyone who wishes to make use of the support of a psychosocial facilitator should in any case file a so-called application for appointment with the court. If all the necessary requirements are met, the court will approve the application.

If you do not meet the requirements for free facilitation, you can also make use of it at your own expense. Victims who are also joint plaintiffs can claim the costs as necessary expenses in the criminal proceedings if the perpetrators are convicted or the proceedings are discontinued by the court (Section 472 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

If the requirements for the appointment are met in your case, you can apply for the appointment of a psychosocial facilitator.

The selection of the facilitator is made by the court. However, you can propose a facilitator of your choice to the court.

If you do not meet the requirements for being appointed a facilitator, but would like to have a psychosocial facilitator at your own expense, you can also search for a suitable accompanying person in our electronic directory.

When looking for a suitable accompanying person, police stations, victim assistance facilities or your legal counsel can provide support. In addition, we have set up an electronic directory of psychosocial facilitators recognised in Bremen on our website. You can search for suitable persons yourself, especially in your vicinity.

Während der psychosozialen Prozessbegleitung findet keine Tataufarbeitung statt. Es wird auch nicht über das Tatgeschehen selbst gesprochen, um nicht die eigene Erinnerung daran zu beeinflussen. Zudem ersetzt die psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung keine psychotherapeutische Behandlung und kann und darf keine rechtliche Beratung anbieten.

Hinweis: Die Prozessbegleiter:innen haben kein Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht. Wenn sie vor Gericht gefragt werden, worüber sie sich mit dem Tatopfer unterhalten haben, müssen sie dazu aussagen.